[끊어 읽기 요령 일곱 가지]
영어를 의미단위로 끊어 읽는 것, 그것이 바로 독해력과 청해력 향상의 지름길입니다. 영어를 읽을 때 아래의 내용을 항상 염두에 두세요. 많은 도움이 될 것입니다.
1. 주어 앞에 오는 부사구와 부사절은 주어 앞에서 끊어 읽는다.
1-a. Under these circumstances / we cannot carry out the plan.
1-b. To make matters worse, / it began to rain.
1-c. Waving good-by, / she got on the bus.
1-d. After he finished the work, / he went out for a walk.
2. 긴 주어 뒤에서 끊어 읽는다.
2-a. To work hard / is your duty.
2-b. Making much money / is not the end of life.
2-c. That he is a fool / is generally admitted.
2-d. What I'm trying to say / is Be happy.
3. 긴 목적어 앞에서 끊어 읽는다.
3-a. He told me / that he had finished the work.
3-b. Can you tell me / where I can catch my train?
3-c. If my mother knew / what I had done, / she would be furious.
3-d. If you asked most men / what their favourite sport was, / they
would probably say / it was football.
4. 진주어 또는 진목적어 앞에서 끊어 읽는다.
4-a. It is very difficult / for me to do the work.
4-b. It is very kind / of you to invite me.
4-c. I find it quite impossible / to lie to her.
5. 접속사 앞에서 끊어 읽는다.
5-a. The problem was so difficult / that I could not solve it.
5-b. Tom attended the meeting, / but Mary didn't.
5-c. Will you lend me that book / when you're finished with it?
6. 관계대명사와 선행사 사이에서 끊어 읽는다.
6-a. This is the book / which I bought.
6-b. That is the house / in which I live.
6-c. I have a computer / with which I can make a phone call.
7. 삽입구나 삽입절의 앞과 뒤에서 끊어 읽는다.
7-a. He is, / I'm sure, / a really capable teacher.
7-b. Pusan, / the second largest city in Korea, / is famous for its
beautiful beaches.
7-c. The concert, / which had been held at the Seoul Arts Center
yesterday, / was excellent.
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